Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Top 7 Print tips

Most people who are not in the design/marketing business think printing is no big deal. We all have a printer at home right? How different can it be from that? Well, it’s quite different.  And here are some things you should consider.

The first step when getting your marketing materials printed is to talk to your printer. Tell them what you're hoping the final product to look like, let them know your budget, quantity and timeline. Often printers will have some ideas to help you, whether it's cost saving measures, different paper types, sizes, quality, coatings to name a few. They usually have a lot of great ideas. Once you've done this, let the fun part begin! Design it.

Once your material is designed there are a few things you should do before you send it to print. Here are some tips that may seem obvious, but very valid. 
  1. Make sure you are not the only one looking it over. Get a 2nd (3rd or 4th) pair of eyes on it. Many people are blind to their own mistakes, and 9 times out of 10 that second person will find something wrong.
  2. When you check it over make sure you zoom in. Sometimes objects/text gets shifted slightly. You're spending the money on printing, you want it to look perfect.
  3. Print it out. For some reason it is easier to spot mistakes on paper rather than on screen. But know that your home printer colours will not exactly match the professional printers. If you think colour may be an issue, make sure you get a printer proof.
  4. USE SPELL CHECK. You'd be surprised how many spelling/grammar mistakes go un-noticed
  5. Read it aloud. This will also help with spelling/grammar, and how it flows
  6. Most of all, don't rush it. That's when mistakes happen. You want to give yourself some extra time to find those errors. You also have to remember that your printer may need extra time for cutting, ink drying, etc.  They are also working with many customers, so your job will most likely be in a printer queue, or line up. Depending on how big of a project (and how much you're paying them) they may be able to bump you up a couple spots. Be your printers friend, and work with them like it’s a partnership, it will get you further, believe us!
  7. Always remember if you approve it and there is a mistake, it is your fault.

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