Monday, 25 March 2013

What should your Graphic Designer be asking you

What should your Graphic Design Company be asking you before they start work on your project?  This week we are would like to cover some of the various questions you should be able to answer for the best possible outcome of your creative work.  

Well, truth is there are lots of questions to properly qualify exactly what you (the customer) are looking for from your creative.  One that seems extremely simple but often not asked is what the purpose of the project is.  Obviously we would drastically change the layout of an ad if it is for let’s say a direct mailing vs. a conference pamphlet.  

Another simple one would be the timeline you would like your project completed by.  Are there time restraints that you need your material for?  This way if there is a rush perhaps your designer can work on some of your material for you in a timelier manner or even bump you up in the lineup.
Other less obvious but very important questions would be things like, Have they asked for a creative brief, or a sample of similar work done in the past.  These types of things can really help your graphic designer know the direction you want the material to go based on past work.  Of course assuming that is what you’re looking for. 

Finally one major thing we believe at Dragon Creative is repeating or paraphrasing what our customers has just finished telling us.   We are not robots and neither are our customers but repeating back to them so that everyone has a clear and decisive idea of exactly what is expected goes a long way. 

These few things (and more) are exactly why Dragon Creative Graphic Design and Print is the only standard.  The Dragon Standard.  Give us a call today to make your marketing materials stand out from the rest!

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